Auto schedule best time to post

Not approved

You guys have all of this AI for Content suggestion and image suggestion but you don't even have the basic scheduling the post for the best time available for paid users why is that? Are you aware that your nearest competitors like buffer and hooksuite also allow to schedule the post at the most optimal time relative to the engagement and impressions? If there isn't a change to this feature in the coming month then I will be forced to ask for a refund so I can take that money and invest it in a company that already has this basic feature because it's more important actually than any of the other AI features that you have I need to be able to adjust automatically based upon signals what the best time for me to post is and not just go with static times that I have to decide before I come up with the post


8 months ago

Hookle changed status to Not approved

8 months ago


Hi, Thank you for the feedback! This is already logged as a feature request, and I've given you an upvote. You're welcome to track and participate in the discussion here:

0    8 months ago    Reply

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I'm confused as to why I wasn't notified about this when it happened. It could be my fault, anyway. Thank you 🙏🏽💚

0    8 months ago    Reply

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